by Banner | Jan 25, 2021 | Employee Wellbeing, Health, Partnerships, Product
Health workers may not be using hand sanitiser properly Incorrect use of hand sanitisers by healthcare staff may be leaving them inadequately protected, according to a recent study. Guidelines by WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control stipulate that hand...
by Banner | Jan 22, 2021 | Employee Wellbeing, Health, Partnerships, Product, Working Smarter
From radiation to infectious disease, medical employees have always been exposed to higher health risk than your regular office worker. With many factors out of the individuals’ control, hospitals emphasize the importance of preventing infections through hygiene...
by Banner | Jan 21, 2021 | Employee Wellbeing, Health, Partnerships, Product
Understanding them both can help you reduce germs on surfaces throughout your facility. You may think that wiping down surfaces with a diluted solution in a bucket or spray bottle is a quick, easy way to keep these areas germ-free. But there’s a big difference...
by Banner | Jan 20, 2021 | Employee Wellbeing, Partnerships, Product
In today’s health-conscious world, we wipe down surfaces, sanitise our hands and go to great lengths to avoid germs and viruses. But do our efforts really work? Are fewer people getting colds, flu and other viral or bacterial diseases? ...
by Banner | Nov 30, 2020 | Brother, Partnerships, Product, Technology
{{cta(‘ea15ec18-ca32-4a84-9247-1ed0a24415c8′,’justifycenter’)}} Did you know? “more than 1 in 10 of all security incidents that affect businesses involve a printer, 59% of which results in data being lost!” (Andy Johnson, Brother...