ZERO WASTE TO LANDFILL! Committed to avoiding waste – Banner’s donation delights local community
Demonstrating our ongoing commitment to zero waste to landfill; Banner donates 5,280 bottles of Hand...
Get ready for HP+ and learn more about the smarter printing system that ensures your printer is alwa...
How to make your printing more environmentally-friendly
If you'd like organisation to play its part in the circular economy and improve its sustainability, ...
The 2021 Workplace Digital Evolution
With the Pandemic ensuing turbulence on work life for the past 15 months, a return to pre-pandemic o...
Free 2 Month HP Instant INK Trial with HP Printers
Save up to 70% on printer ink usage when you introduce yourself or your employees to HP Instant INK ...
Make a Sustainable Impact when Purchasing Printing Supplies
There are more opportunities now than ever before to make a difference when it comes to making a sus...
GDPR Shredders
It's a legal requirement for anyone operating a business which handles personal data to fully comply...
Join us at the NWUPC & NEUPC virtual conference 2021
Join us at the NWUPC & NEUPC virtual conference, on the 17th June 2021 for a day of engaging worksho...
On a mission to help our customers make more sustainable choices
From supporting organisations as they seek eco-friendlier products to helping calculate potential re...