The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, which came into effect May 2018, has drastically transformed the digital landscape.
How companies can set up for workplace success
Digital transformation has many components but put simply, it is fundamentally deploying the use of technology to change the way people do things to streamline efficiencies.
Work from Anywhere, because anywhere can work ¦
With the last 12 months totally changing the way we work; flexible working has now become a hot topic within the workplace.
Banner are an Awarded Supplier on the NEUPC NEPA 2 Framework Agreement
Banner are delighted to be an Approved Supplier on the NEPA 2 (National Education Printer Agreement) Framework, in partnership with leading printer manufacturers Brother and Epson.
Banner Awarded 5* Certified HP Sustainable Impact Partner Accreditation
We are proud and honoured to be awarded the 5* HP Sustainability Impact Partner Accreditation.
How to defeat phone germs
Did you know that the average mobile phone harbours 6,300 bacteria? Our smartphones could be giving us coughs, colds or the flu according to health experts.
Learn the Cost Benefits of an MPS
A Managed Print Service (MPS) is a bespoke solution built around your individual business needs, that generates all-important cost savings in a number of different ways.
Customer orders help to kit out 3 schools in underprivileged areas
We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to orders placed by our customers for Proverb hand sanitiser products, 3 schools in underprivileged areas are now kitted out with sanitiser stations!
Are You Using Hand Sanitiser Properly?
Incorrect use of hand sanitisers by healthcare staff may be leaving them inadequately protected, according to a recent study.
3 Ways Philips Protects Medical Staff through Hygienic Working
From radiation to infectious disease, medical employees have always been exposed to higher health risk than your regular office worker.
Cleaning vs Sanitising: What’s the Difference?
Understanding them both can help you reduce germs on surfaces throughout your facility.
Clean the Air for Healthier Workplaces
In today’s health-conscious world, we wipe down surfaces, sanitise our hands and go to great lengths to avoid germs and viruses.