Three ways to keep your office safe this winter

We all know how unpredictable the weather is in the UK during winter; one day it’s mild, next it’s raining and then it’s snowing! While you have no control over the weather, you can control how you prepare your workplace.

Five ways to a workplace win this summer

If like most of the population, you’re at work most days, you may need to think not just about what you’ll be doing when the weekend comes around, but how you can make the most of summer in your workplace.

Easter trading arrangements

With Easter fast approaching we would like to inform you of our opening times over this period, so you can order all your Easter products without delay.

How to make smart work of hot weather

Experts recommend that we drink a little more than the recommended two litres of water if it’s hot. Feeling thirsty is a sign we’re already a little dehydrated, so it’s best to start sipping before this happens.

B Prepared for winter

We all know how unpredictable the weather is in the UK during winter; one day it’s mild, next it’s raining and then it’s snowing! While you have no control over the weather, you can control how you prepare your workplace.