by darren.phillips | Aug 23, 2022 | CSR, eco-friendly, Environmentally Friendly Products, Our Environment, Sustainable products, Working Smarter
We all need to become more environmentally conscious, so there’s a greater focus than ever on workplace sustainability. Trying to find greener products, and making sure they truly are better than the alternatives, is a complex task. Julie Hadley, Corporate...
by darren.phillips | Aug 16, 2022 | CSR, eco-friendly, Environmentally Friendly Products, Our Environment, Sustainable products, Working Smarter
There has been a lot of talk around sustainability, and for some people it can become overwhelming. But with environmental focus becoming something we need, rather than want, to implement into a business it can be a mammoth job to tackle. So where do you begin? There...
by Banner | Aug 5, 2022 | CSR, eco-friendly, Environmentally Friendly Products, Green Products, Our Environment, Sustainable products
With Plastic Free July now over, Julie Hadley, CSR and Social Value Manager at Banner, shares the wins, challenges, and reflections that occurred in her household throughout the month of cutting down on plastic waste. You might expect, given my role, that I’d...
by Banner | Jul 28, 2022 | Green Choice, Green Products, Product, Return to the Workplace, Sustainable products
Harrods, the world-famous luxury department store, has solved one of its biggest headaches by diverting tonnes of its used paper hand towels from general waste. Having already reduced Harrods’ waste by replacing its paper hand towel product with a more absorbent...
by Banner | Jul 13, 2022 | CSR, Sustainable products
In the fight against climate change, every little helps. For businesses, little changes across the board can have a big overall impact. Below, Julie Hadley, CSR and Social Value Manager at Banner, discusses green products you could swap out to create a more...