Brother are committed to helping customers and their businesses work as effectively as they can whilst working from home.
Data Protection tips for working from home
We know staying in touch with your team is your priority right now, so we’ve compiled a list of handy reminders to maintain data protection standards and remain compliant with GDPR.
Are you comfortable in your new working environment?
In 2019, only 30% of UK citizens were able to work from home*; but in a time when many of us must work from home, it can be harder to get into a new routine.
Here are our tips and top picks of the best products for a home office
For many of us, our initial working from home set up may now need a re-think into a long-term solution.
Three Issues Every Employer Needs To Tackle In A Switch To Remote Working
Employers may be concerned about the challenges of managing a team of employees working from home.
How to make smart work of hot weather in 2020
Experts recommend that we drink a little more than the recommended two litres of water if it’s hot. Feeling thirsty is a sign we’re already a little dehydrated, so it’s best to start sipping before this happens.
6 top tips to keep your team motivated while working remotely
Here are our six top tips to keep your team motivated while working remotely.
How to convert your work culture to introduce a remote working policy
An increasing number of businesses are currently working on their digital transformation strategies to make their company more efficient, productive, and scalable.
Five work from home tips
If you’re about to start working from home, you may be wondering how best to go about it. Working flexibly at home can be a great way to get things done, but if you don’t set a few ground rules, for yourself and others, your efficiency can soon drop.
How to organise your home office with Fellowes
Are you happy with your home office set up? Does your set-up have your health in mind?
Protect your data – inside and outside the office
With GDPR and huge fines for breaches of data security, screen privacy is a hot topic for businesses right now. 3Mâ„¢ Privacy Filters offer the perfect solution to counter visual hacking, with class ‘leading protection from left or right.