
Powering off equipment at the end of each day, installing LED bulbs and minimising travel are just some steps that businesses are taking to reduce their carbon footprint 

But there’s another move that could make a big difference to many, particularly if they routinely ship out goods. Changing the way these deliveries are packaged.

Most companies are aware of logistics’ impact on the environment, because the delivery of products to customers is a major contributor to any company’s carbon footprint. Even a few delivery vans out on the road can significantly increase carbon emissions, thanks to their larger engine size and the probability they will be driven for long spells.

To combat this, many businesses have, or are looking into, changing their fleets to no or low emission vehicles. However, this can be a costly move and one many are likely to make only when budgets allow, or when the existing fleet expires.

Taking simpler steps now to make logistics eco-friendlier is a great idea, while planning for investment-heavier changes in the medium to longer term.


Simple but effective

We know this at Banner because we’ve discovered the benefits of implementing effective changes ourselves.

We have introduced eco-friendly packaging throughout our warehouses, and now recycle our used or damaged cardboard boxes into shock absorbent netted material, for use as void fill instead of plastic, across all our small pick parcels.

This means our business now shreds and recycles over 360 tonnes of cardboard each year, which is equivalent to around the weight of 72 Asian elephants.

This one step has helped us to immediately reduce our environmental impact and reduce the amount of waste we produce. It’s also moved us much further towards our goal of reducing our single-use plastics by 30% before 2020.

With Banner you can make your organisation even more eco-friendly. To find out more, get in touch at contact.banner@BannerUK.com

Customer seal of approval

Putting in place eco measures that customers approve of also makes it a win-win.

Over 93% of customers who took part in our pilot were either satisfied or very satisfied with the new packaging. 80% of customers said they always recycle packaging from their deliveries and 94% said recycling is extremely important to them.


With Banner you can

discover new ways to improve your carbon footprint. To discuss with one of our team please contact us at contact.banner@BannerUK.com

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